Welcome to the Dancing Green Lusitanos blog, a small Kent-based stud with a passion for Lusitano horses.

Sunday, 29 January 2012


We've opted to take a gradual approach to weaning and for the last couple of weeks the mares have gone out in separate paddocks, first adjoining the babies and then a couple of fields away, then back together at night. This has gone really well, but naturally there comes a time when we have to take that next step. We've ummed and ahhed about bringing the babies in, but none of the stables have top doors and also they are not accustomed to coming in and we didn't have enough free for everyone. So we decided to leave them out.

This morning we took the mares down to one of the new paddocks out of sight from the babies, and they had a rare old time galloping about with their tails in the air, snorting and bucking. Both stallions are now in their winter paddocks which give on equally to the paddock where the mares are now, whereas in the previous arrangement they were nearest to Q, who is the living embodiment of harem stallion. T didn't take much notice at first although Q was trotting up and down his fence line as soon as the mares arrived. He's been at it all day and was soaked in sweat, so I left him with a light rain sheet for a while. We brought T in early to his all weather area and Q started to settle to a section of hay.

Meanwhile the babies have been calling and fence walking for much of the day but ok, stressed of course but not in a panic.

Our horses live such peaceful lives, it's quite disturbing when there's a big change like this and everyone is feeling it. T is settled though and Q calming down, the mares are loitering at the gate but munching hay and the babies go periodically to their hay pile for a quick bite. For my part I'll be glad when it all settles down again and we can get on with more handling of the younglings!

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